Reflections on This Past Parliamentary Session
As the first session of the forty-second Parliament comes to an end, I would like to take a few moments to inform you about the work I have done to represent you in Ottawa, and to reflect upon the first successful session for our Conservative Official Opposition.
As a newly elected Member of Parliament for the riding of Edmonton West, I had a lot to learn with regards to the daily life of a Parliamentarian. From the onset, I knew that my number one priority would be to represent the people of Edmonton West.
I had the chance to do uphold this very priority by fighting for the City of Edmonton, against an institutional bias from the Liberal Government. After being snubbed from the employment insurance extension program, I wrote to the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, publicly calling for her to include Edmonton in this extension program. I also brought this issue up in the House of Commons on numerous occasions, in addition to writing an editorial in the Edmonton Sun, forcing the government to answer why Edmonton was left out.
Within a matter of weeks, the Prime Minister gave into this request. By demanding the Liberal government to treat Edmonton fairly, thousands of unemployed Edmontonians were assisted in a dire situation.
That’s not all. Together as a team, our Conservative Official Opposition has been the most effective opposition in decades. We held the government accountable for their betrayal of middle class Canadians with tax hikes on students, kid’s sports, charities and families.
We held the government accountable for their out-of-control spending that turned a Conservative balanced budget into a deficit three times the size of what they promised.
We held the government accountable for their clear bias against Alberta – specifically with regards to transit infrastructure – shortchanging our province by 15%.
Finally, we changed our tone but came out swinging against a government that showed shocking arrogance in the House of Commons – especially when it comes to electoral reform – something we will continue to be steadfast in, by calling for a referendum.
While Parliament has risen for the summer, I will continue to be hard at work listening to constituents who are feeling increasingly distant from Justin Trudeau’s Liberals. I will be holding regular office hours, and I strongly encourage you to schedule a meeting to discuss any federal issue with which you are concerned about. You can do so by calling 780-392-2515.
In closing, I would like to wish you all a safe and exciting summer, filled with fun and joy.
Kelly McCauley
MP, Edmonton West